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The Eastern Hills Youth Football League
Est. 2012

The purpose of this document is to establish some general rules and guidelines for the newly formed EHYFL. The EHYFL is an informal agreement to compete in youth football for the following programs: Madeira Community Youth Football Organization, Mariemont Youth Football, Wyoming Youth Football and Oakwood Youth Football.

~League Philosophy~

The goal of the Eastern Youth Hills Football League is to provide every player with a positive youth football experience.  Our goal is to provide to all players the safest, most educational, competitive, and fun environment we can. We will make certain that every player is coached so that they have the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to be a more complete player, and the importance of filling whatever role necessary to help the team be successful.

Our volunteer organizations will work before, during, and after the season in an attempt to ensure that each and every participating player learns the importance of teamwork, the value of self discipline, the merit of sportsmanship, and the respect for the game, their teammates, their opponents, and authority figures such as parents, coaches, and officials.

We hope that each player will finish the season feeling that they improved as a player, a person, and a teammate; that they had fun on the field, and they were an important part of the team. Most importantly, that they want to return to the field for the following season.

~Teams & Schedules~

Teams will be formed by the student athlete's grade, not age. Tackle football teams will be made up of grades 3-6. Teams will either be by individual grade or combined teams of grades 3&4 and 5&6.  Organizations will make every attempt to play each other on a "home and home" basis each season. The league schedule will consist of no more than eight games that start after Labor Day and end before November.  A team is free to schedule non league games in late August or early November but it is discouraged from having a schedule consisting of more than 10 games.

~Weight Limits~

There will be no weight limits for players, however, all players handling the football or lined up in the offensive or defensive backfields must conform to the established weight guidelines.

3rd Grade - 85 lbs

4th Grade - 120 lbs

5th Grade - 130 lbs

6th Grade - 145 lbs

Players above these limits must play on the down line.

It is the responsibility of each coach to make sure these weight limits are adhered to for their own team.  We believe in the integrity of each adult involved in the EHYFL.

~Game Rules~

The rules adopted by the Ohio High School Athletic Association shall govern play in the football games.

All games, at all grade levels will play four (4) eight (8) minute quarters. The halftime will not exceed ten (10) minutes.

Coaches on the Field

-  Coaches may be on the field at the 3rd and 4th grade levels only.  It is strongly encouraged that once the teams are lined up and ready for the snap – the coaches stop their communication with the players and “let the players play.”


-  There are no kickoffs

-  Teams receive the ball on their own 35 yard line to start play in each half, and after scores.


-  After a safety, the ball will be placed on the receiving team’s own 45 yard line.


-  There is no punting in grades 3 and 4. A punt may be declared at any time and from anywhere on the field. Once a punt is declared, the clock stops and the ball is moved 25 yards. 15 seconds will be run off the clock and a change of possession occurs.

-  Punts must be declared. The only way to undeclared a punt is using a timeout.

-  Once the punt is declared the clock stops. The clock will start after the ball is kicked.

-  A punt inside the 25 yard line of the opposition is declared a touchback, and the ball is then turned over and spotted on the 20 yard line.

-  Once the on field coach declares a punt to the official, that decision cannot be changed unless that team calls a timeout.


-  Teams may attempt a 2 point conversion by kicking the extra points.  The kick will involve a center, a holder, and a kicker from the offensive team.  No one from the defense will be allowed on the field.  The attempt must take less than 4 seconds (i.e. from the snap to the kick).  A bad snap or hold that delays the kick longer than 4 seconds will be declared “No Good.”

-  Only allowed provided there are Football Goal Posts on the field of play.

-  Teams may attempt a 1 point conversion by running an offensive play against the opponent’s defense from the 3 yard line.

Field Goals

-  Field Goals will not be attempted.


-  There will be no ties.

-  Games ending in a tie after regulation time will follow the overtime rules of Ohio High School Football with the exception of field position. The ball will be placed on the 10 yard line instead of the 20.


To ensure the EHYFL’s success, active communication between the different organizations and its coaches is strongly encouraged.  Many potential problems can be avoided with proper communication.

Coaches are strongly urged to do the following the Tuesday before playing each opponent –

  • Contact the opposing coach via email and share:

    • Game time

    • Game site

    • Jersey colors to be worn (some organizations only have 1 jersey color)

    • Any weight/size issues

    • Etc.


Madeira Community Youth Football Organization

Email: [email protected]
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